thebdrop . thebdrop .

Should’ve written an intro to the brand.

Hi. Welcome to this thing we’ll call a blog. :)


I want to talk about one thing in particular, and I may repeat myself a little or venture off-topic (I’m new, leave me be) as you do when you’re passionate and when these thoughts often float around your mind. Full steam ahead with the whole timeline thing that’s not a thing, but definitely feels like one. Maybe it is a result of having been born into the digital age. A time when everything was beginning to move faster, with the internet speeding up ‘communication and connectivity’ and access to information being no further than your pocket. In contrast, slowly jacking with every brain’s reward system and sense of control.


It's pretty bizarre how social media has woven its way into so many individual lives, despite the different experiences taking place each day. Something to think about, according to research conducted by Associate Professor Tanya Notley et al., four in five Australian adults are using three or more media platforms per week. Yet, all five have different lives and daily happenings. How has social media become the only constant in so many lives? I ask this question rhetorically, for you to ask yourself why you use it and if what you’re doing online can take another form offline.


Moving on to touch on the whole timeline concept..

This topic may come up again in the future of this blog. Just saying. Aside from that, notice how everyone with access to digital media happens to spend so much time using social media. I wonder how many of those people have felt that dreaded 'life delay’. Personally, there’s been many moments of existential crisis because I, myself, am not sure of the trajectory of my life, thinking what I am doing in this portion of my life is not enough, and is not meaningful when it really is. But seeing people do things you’re not can be conflicting. Not to say this sort of feeling wasn’t existent both the digital age (there’s more I want to say about this later), but RIGHT NOW.. it feels different because we are experiencing it with little to no warning (but who could warn us).

Sorry for the moment of meltdown… Look, I don’t want to think of another way of saying this, BABES, YOUR LIFE IS YOUR JOURNEY, AND NONE OF THIS SH*T IS LINEAR. You’re wherever you’re at for a reason. Let’s say you look back to this time last year. You were NOT the same version of yourself that you are today. I know there are so many things you want to do, but one step at a time, one day at a time. You will get there, meanwhile, work on acknowledging the moments that surround you. I believe in you!

Yours truly,

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