the November Note.

Hey, hi, hello,

I hope your month has been well!

Today we’re talking human connection. 

Human connection, we all need it. Some might say it’s as innate as it is essential, and you’ve probably heard that humans are social beings. Even if you do get tired of being around people from time to time, we all do, but that doesn’t change fact… it simply means that you are normal. 

We grow in families, then we branch off to create our own, in the form of friends and eventually significant others. We go from our blood and chosen families to other groups. Through work, sports or other activities, for instance, grocery shopping of all things... These people that we interact with during activities outside of our homes mightn’t hold close bonds with us, perhaps they do). Either way, they help us to learn about integral elements of life through trial and error. Every interaction we have with another impacts both lives with such importance within the moment of its occurrence and more noticeably after. We learn so much about society and ourselves by being around people we know, and those whom we don’t.

Being a little bit social helps our minds and bodies in so many different ways, so I’m going to tell you about a few. When we interact with others, we are attaining a healthy amount of those ‘happiness’ hormones you may have heard about, you know, like dopamine (the most popular), serotonin endorphins and oxytocin. That’s just the feel-good chemicals for your brain, there are more benefits for your body that are brought about by human interaction. Did you know, that when we laugh, we are enhancing the intake of oxygen-rich air, many muscles and vital organs are stimulated by this, including the heart and lungs which organise the use and movement of oxygenated blood.
So, this month try to embrace the sidewalk smile. It’s good for your health. 

Also, I would like to mention, it’s easy to feel alone in today’s society, with smartphones in everyone's pocket, or more likely their hand; whether that be on the train, in waiting rooms, on sidewalks and even at dinner tables. Every once in a while (as regularly as possible) we need to use our smartphones to organise interactions with people we care about, if you’re super far from them use the technology that we have to connect yourself with your people. Anything can be a good reason to reach out. Something that has recently worked for me is a cookbook. I know that doesn’t make much sense, but I’m writing one with and for my family. It‘s nice to be able to collaborate on something that we all love and be able to work on it at our own pace wherever we are. Generally speaking, I will call my family and be working on it while we chat away– that reminds me, it’s okay not to be a chatty Cathy and I think lots of people need a reminder of that, TheBdrop included.

Have a beautiful November and I’ll be back next month.

Yours Truly,


the December note.


the october reminder.